In fact it's quite simple.
Where does fat coming out?
1. from the fat re composition, that's indirectly coming from the fat you have been taken.
2. From the sugar you taken that changed into fat if there's no other way for sugar to change into the energy.
3. Part of the protein will be changed into fat.
So what's the real good products that can be used to reduce the fat?
The feature of the good products are:
1. Reduce the sugar and fat adsorption or the utilization of sugar to turn into fat. 2. Increase your metabolism.
Of course, if the products are 100% natural made would be better. But most products are not natural of course because pure natural ones will be more easily to go into bad.
One example, well the good point is it's also a free product
It's called reveratrol, a product that mentioned in Discovery also.
As we all know, the red wine is good for losing weight, if you drink some wine everyday, you will lose weight effectively.
That's because the wine contains reveratrol.
It has been proved by scientiests that it has such functions
1. reduce the sugar used so there's less sugar to turn into the fat
2. increase the metabolism
It also has other functions that you can do a little research on that too.
If you want to see more details or try it for free, you can see from here:
Resveratrol Select